Ganan & Shapiro, P.C.

presents a complimentary virtual seminar

Wage & Benefit Calculations

June 27, 2024 12:00pm (CST)

Presented by: Michelle L. LaFayette

An employer's monetary liability is directly tied to the employee's average weekly wage and the corresponding benefit rates. Join us for a seminar where we will discuss the nuances and rules for calculating the average weekly wage, determining the applicable benefit rates and discussing the types of interim benefits to which an employee may be entitled.

Zoom Information

Please use the button below to access the virtual seminar.

The link will be emailed to all participants who r.s.v.p. for the event and will be available the week of the seminar on this page. Please share the information with anyone in your organization who may be interested in the presentation.

Zoom Passcode: 644606

R.S.V.P - Wage & Benefit Calculations